Shepherding Ministry
Shepherding is a calling of great responsibility. As shepherds are called by God to care for Christ’s sheep. Our shepherding ministry consists of 3 tiers: Elder, Deacon, and Care Team Members. All three work together to provide regular on-going care for our members.
ELDERS are under-shepherds of Christ, serving His flock. They have been called to feed, lead, protect, and care. Every elder is assigned family units for which they oversee. We see the role of elder established in Exodus 18 when we see Jethro affirm this shepherd model to his son-in-law Moses.
DEACONS - Our elders are assisted in the work of caring for the flock by deacons who oversee- both the physical needs and mercy ministry as well as our Compassionate Care ministry for shut-ins. We see this calling of deacon established in Acts 6.
CARE TEAM MEMBERS – These gifted men and women assist in our deacons and elders in regularly contacting members and helping to keep the elders and deacons aware of any needs or concerns. We see Christ has appointed, by His grace, members of the body with gifts by which they are equipped for the work of ministry – Ephesians 4.