
We want the children of First Pres to have a deeply rooted confidence in the character of God so they passionately follow Him through good and bad times. Our hope is to partner with parents in the discipleship of their children by providing environments, curriculum and resources that center on the gospel and teach the nature and character of God.

There are classes available during each of the Sunday Morning hours. Our kids are currently working through Kids Quest curriculum for preschool-5th grade.  Junior High uses Bible Doctrine.  Senior High students are working through So What? series.

If you have any questions on Sunday morning, look for someone with an "FP" tag around their neck and they'll point you in the right direction.

If you have any questions about our nursery or toddler rooms, contact Debbie Lemmer.



We check in all of our kids through our Church Center App. Each child will receive a name tag and each parent will receive a matching security tag which you will need to present in order to pick up your kids after service. If this will be your first time visiting us you can click the button below and fill out a pre-check form so your children will already be in the system when you arrive (this will speed up the process a bit).

Pre-check here


Our clubs run on Wednesdays at 7pm, September-May each year.


Girls Club is a weekly group for 1st-12th grade girls that focus on the Word of God and Christian development. Groups are broken down by grade and they participate in fun activities, crafts, games and Bible study.

Contact Vicky for more information and visit our Facebook page here.


Boys Club is for 1st-12th graders and boys are encouraged and educated in the fundamentals of the gospel through a structured curriculum. The program’s main goal is to develop trusting relationships between men and boys within the Body of Christ.  Through relationships and interaction with men of faith, our young men will develop a faith in Christ, which is both enriching to the individual and fruitful in the world.

Contact Eric Keel for more information and visit our Facebook page here.

2024-2025 Registration is now open!

register here
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Every June we offer a week-long program for children (4 year old preschool - going into 6th grade) which includes snacks, crafts, games and Bible study.  Our program runs 9am-noon, Monday-Friday. 

If you have any questions, please contact Jamie Barwikowski at

VBS Wonder Junction- June 16-20, 9am-noon

Howdy, partners! Welcome to Wonder Junction! There’s no greater joy than to praise the name of the Lord all day long. But how can yer kids do that if they don’t know who Jesus is or what he’s done for them?  Here at Wonder Junction, we marvel at Jesus and live for his glory!

VBS will run from June 16-20, 9am-noon each day at First Pres.  VBS is for students (4 year old preschool - going into 6th grade). It’s going to be a fun week full of the Bible, crafts, games and snacks!

Registration will open in April!

VBS Music


Our summer camp is one of the most exciting things that we do each year. We have a lot of fun playing games, doing crafts, swimming, hiking, and much more. But most importantly, we spend time learning from and memorizing scripture. We have times of devotions and worship. Students and adult volunteers alike return from camp have been encouraged and challenged in their faith. Camp is for grades 4-12, activities vary based on grades.

If you have any questions, please contact Jamie Barwikowski at

Camp information


Trenton Christian Preschool provides a Christian learning environment while nurturing children’s capacity to grow spiritually, socially, emotionally, physically and cognitively. We also strive to deepen children’s commitment to positive Christian values such as kindness, helpfulness and respect for others.

“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” — Proverbs 22:6

If you have any questions about our Preschool, please contact Lana.

Preschool Website


GOAL Sports is a ministry for members of the downriver community as well as members of First Pres. GOAL stands for God-Oriented-Athletic League. Our aim is for the church to serve Trenton and the surrounding neighborhoods by providing a downriver sports league that has:

  • Positive role models in an encouraging environment
  • Equal playing time for all participants
  • Development of skills through age appropriate drills
  • Good Sportsmanship
  • Economical Cost
  • Convenient practice and play schedule (both occur on the same day)

GOAL Sports is great place for the community to come together, have some fun, and develop relationships. The league is run by volunteer coaches- many of whom are from the church and some who have volunteered because of their past participation in the league. This is a great beginner’s sports league for those with young kids, busy schedules, and a desire to play!

Goal sports