Student Ministries Permission Slip
Fill out both of these forms to give permission for your Jr or Sr High student to attend a specific event.
Room Reservation and Advertisement Request
If you would like to use a room at the First Pres building and/or have your event or group advertised (i.e. website, tv screens, bulletin, etc.) you will need to fill out this form. Please note that this form is for members of First Presbyterian Church and all requests will be reviewed before publishing.
Complete Online
Nursery/Children/Youth Ministry Volunteer Application
This application is to be completed by all applicants for any position (volunteer or compensated) involving the supervision or custody of minors (a minor is anyone under eighteen (18) years of age).
Complete Online
Baptism Application
Fill out this form if you would like to request a baptism for you or your child. We will schedule a time for you to meet with the pastor and discuss the details.
Complete Online
Wedding Interest Form
Click below to print a PDF detailing our requirements to have a wedding performed in our building. The completed form must be turned into the church office.
Speaker Approval Form
In an effort to maintain theological consistency and missional integrity, the elders of First Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Michigan as that all incoming speakers, not already approved by our church, complete this form for approval.
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